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(The  Facility  we  see)


Following the lead of various sporting and military organizations in “reaching them while they’re young”, Camp Big Rig is about providing young people with a positive exposure to the trucking industry in a safe, supervised environment while simultaneously imparting Christian values that have been changing lives in youth camps for decades.


I see a facility that will capture the imagination of young and old alike and appeal to the kid in all of us.   An uplifting and fun environment reaching the spiritual and stretching the physical.


Set on a large acreage site I see a facility built to resemble a transport terminal.   Backed up on three sides about 50 older tractor trailer rigs converted to bunk houses for ten campers and one leader each trailer.  


Camp Big Rig will be different in that it will include many of the normal fun activities with a transport theme.


Young and disabled campers will enjoy rides in the tractors while camps for older youth will include the opportunity to drive a rig on the Faith Freighter driver training facility built near the property.

Everything will be done to give the young folks a positive image of trucking to take home with them, just another contribution to improving trucking’s image and hopefully ensuring a flow of younger talent to the industry in years to come.


Down the track I see participating companies offering scholarships to Transport focused educational opportunities leading to a comprehensive transport traineeship program including driving.  


My prayer is that it will be a recruiting ground for Big Rig Bible College, working missionaries to an industry.

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