For the heart and soul of trucking...
The Dream
On the basis of "faith works ‘n work faiths” to build a church and ministry that is culturally relevant to the trucking industry for the purpose of effectively communicating Jesus, His love, His sacrifice and His salvation.
To establish a chain of Faith Freighter Truck Stops – with a trucker’s church and full service facilities 24/7 ; financially viable ventures that will provide regular marketplace contact with everyday people and demonstrate our care by providing the best facilities available for truckers and the traveling public.
To develop communication tools in print, audio & audiovisual form utilizing all available media technology, to make it as easy as possible for everyday people to understand the life changing power of Jesus and as simple as possible for Christians to effectively share their faith and facilitate worship anywhere.
To build a national network of care through state and regional chapters committed to serving the people of trucking and developing strong relationships with churches, trucking organizations, companies and other ministries as we share our vision - for the heart and soul of trucking through a proactive faith.
Anthony Gunter
Faith Freighters International
Copyright 2000
Wilfred Grenfell said once.” If you are going to commend your gospel to men who do not particularly want to hear it, you must do something for them that they will be certain to understand” He built hospitals for Eskimos - we’ll build parking and facilities for truckers … and then move forward from there to address other needs within the industry.
The needs of truckers and their families are far too great for conservative proposals.
This outline of the various arms of the overall Faith Freighter vision is just that, an outline, but hopefully enough to ignite something in the heart. Fundamental to this vision are the two pillars of Faith and Love. Neither appears to be logical, but both always succeed. We must plan as if no obstacle will prevent us moving forward. Obstacles always have a point of yielding to the will and purposes of God.
Faith Freighters Is A New Thing.
Isaiah 43:18-21 - Jan.’90
It has no history, it will create history.
It is not a rehash of something else, a new slant on an old lean nor is it a new branch of an old tree. It is not the latest attempt by an old ministry to be relevant or effective. It is the emergence of a dream planted long in the soil of God’s timing and it’s time has come.
It will unfold to touch the lives of truckers and their families around the globe and in so doing, like the trucking industry itself, impact the lives of millions outside of it’s own culture.
Isaiah 43:18-19-NLT "But forget all that--it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness for my people to come home. I will create rivers for them in the desert!"
The spearhead of this vision, Tony and Mina are a Aussie/American fighting team that LOVE Jesus.
This dynamic duo have hearts bigger than Texas, are great speakers and will inspire you to be more and dream BIG.
"If we can’t find a way to turn pew warmers into soul winners then what we’re left with is an army that specializes in war cries …. and not war …. lead by commanders satisfied with the accolades of the troops and not the exhilaration of victory"
Anthony Gunter
President / Founder
Faith Freighters
5th Wheel Worship Center
Want to know more, then send us email...
We need Butt Kicking Prayer Warriors - Join a team and start a chapter...
Invite Tony and Mina to share the Vision to your church, workplace or group..
Faith and Action - Cant have one without the other...
We need you..!
Do you have gifts and talents?Come join our team...
Po Box 55, Lebanon
Tennessee - USA - 37088